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One of the core tenets of DDD Sydney is that the agenda is democratically selected. Session voting is the main mechanism that we employ to achieve that. This means that you (collectively) have the power to decide on the agenda on the day.

In order to remove unconscious bias we implement anonymous session voting. This means that you will not see the details of the presenters and will need to vote based on the content (title, abstract, tags).

This year we have a combination of 20 minute and 45 minutes sessions (or sessions that are designated as being able to be both). You can optionally filter the sessions by tag, format and level to assist you to create a shortlist. You will be required to vote for between 1 and 5 sessions and you have until 11:59pm Sunday 28th July 2019 to submit your votes. Each person should only lodge one set of votes; we have a number of mechanisms in place to detect fraudulent votes.

Getting the most out of voting

This year we had ... sessions submitted! We've implemented the following features to assist you to manage voting across such a large number of sessions:

  • Any actions you take on this page (e.g. vote, shortlist) will be saved to this device/browser - you can do the voting over a number of sittings and don't need to worry about trying to complete it in one go
  • There is an ability to flag sessions with a visual indicator; you can use this in any way that suits you e.g. mark sessions you've seen, mark sessions you aren't interested in, etc.
  • You can add/remove sessions to/from a shortlist and view that shortlist separately; we recommend trying to come up with a shortlist first and then selecting your votes from the shortlist after removing the sessions you are less interested in from the shortlist
  • When viewing all sessions you can filter by tags, format and level; this is useful if you don't have the time to review all ... sessions and instead want to narrow down on sessions that are likely to be of interest
  • We recommend you try to find a mix of talks that are a combination of super relevant in your technical area, cover soft skills / leadership and/or are a bit more out there (to stretch yourself), but it's totally up to you to vote for your perfect agenda!
  • We ideally want the people who are actually attending to be the ones that have the greatest influence on the agenda and we also feel this is fairer to session submitters since it makes for a more level playing field for social network reach; this year we've added an optional field for you to add in your Eventbrite ticket order # (from your confirmation email usually sent from: <>) if you've purchased a ticket which will give your vote a higher weighting

Please note: Our expectation of the community, and you as a voter, is that you will only vote once and you will vote for a set of talks that make up your perfect agenda regardless of your friends' talks.

If you know who submitted any of the sessions we ask that you do not discuss it with anyone or post it on social media so we can retain a level playing field for all submitters through anonymity. We definitely want you to post and talk about the conference and encourage others to vote though so spread the word.

If we follow this approach as a community then we can be fair to all the submitters who have put time, effort and courage into crafting the amazing session proposals below. If you have any questions please contact us.

<3 DDD Sydney

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